What would be your reaction if you were in a certain place and came face to face with two rhinos? In case you were curious about this question, we will show the moment when a man needs to climb a tree to escape two animals.
In the recording, which has more than 1,013,000 views and reverberated among Internet users, it is possible to see that as the animals approach, the man, whose identity has not been revealed, tries to climb the tree.
When analyzing the images, it can also be noticed that another person — the one who records the images — tries to help by making sounds so that the rhinos deviate from their path.
Luckily, as you can see in the video, after insisting on the sounds emitted, the animals follow a different path.
Stay tuned and protect yourself!
Although this case is an unusual situation, if at some point you find a wild animal out of its habitat, the correct thing is to keep your distance and call the protection service, which will welcome it and direct it to the appropriate place.
So, are you curious and want to see how it all happened? Watch the video below.