15 Times Animals Messed with The Wrong Elephant

Elephants live in matriarch herds, which means that the females in the herd are the ones that lead, and that have the position of power.

So it’s no surprise when you learn that elephants are extremely protective, and particularly of their young calves. And I pity anyone who dares to threaten them!

From an elephant fighting off a pack of lions, to an elephant fighting off a huge rhino, here are 15 times animals messed with the wrong elephant.

That elephant makes that mama rhino look so small. It’s crazy when you think about how small a human would be next to either gargantuan animal. Before they squish them flat that is.

Elephants have tusks not horns so it would be nice if you could at least get that part right in your video about elephants. And Foxes and jackals might be in the same family (I’m not sure).

But they definitely are not the same animal. The person writing your script should do better research; actual research.

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